
Exchanging E-Form Ds: Preparation For Myanmar Entry Into The ASEAN Window

17 October 2019
2019-10-17 15:53

Myanmar is ready to link into the ASEAN Single Window from National Single Window in coming November along with the trade expedition. 

The presentation program “Preparation for Myanmar Entry into the ASEAN Window: Exchanging e-Form Ds” took place at UMFCCI in Yangon, Thursday. The program jointly organized by Myanmar Customs Department and Department of Trade in partnership with USAID is for Myanmar’s National Single Window- Routing Platform in both export and import sectors. Through the ASEAN Single Window trade facilitation system, the platform will facilitate the electronic exchange of Form-D instead of manual system.

Director, MACCS Division (Ministry of Planning & Finance), Win Thant said “By going to the electronic system from manual system, we will have quicker and more accurate excel session. And we can make easy access to the interactive information, and the whole trading process will be cheaper and effective within the member countries.”

For Myanmar, the Department of Trade is the issuing authority of a certificate of origin (Form-D) and the Myanmar Customs Department is the receiving authority of Form-D to review and verify Form-Ds submitted by the importers and allows for preferential tariff rates.

Director, MACCS Division (Ministry of Planning & Finance), Win Thant said “There have free trade area in ASEAN Region. When trading in the region, exporting countries require Form-D issued by the government that provides a certification of origin to verify local content. After that, under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), the exporters continue to report the verify documents at the Customs Department in the relevant imported countries to take advantage for preferential tariff rates.”

At the same time, USAID is supporting responsible investment, trade facilitation and prosperity in the region.

Mission Economist, USAID, Alexander Albertine said “USA has a longstanding commitment to work here Myanmar to support economic growth and inclusivity for all people of Myanmar. And so trade is as important as expect of developing better economic relationships especially here the region but also with the United States. So, we see this is a great opportunities to improve economic growth in country and promote prosperity for everyone.

Myanmar will be the eight out of 10 ASEAN member states to join the ASEAN Single Window System. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam are already exchanging electronic Form-Ds through the system.


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