
Meeting officials and town elders: SAC VC met district and township level personnel

4 February 2022
2022-02-04 09:06

Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win met district and township level personnel of Kayah State and town elders at the state hall in Loikaw Thursday morning.

In his address, the Vice-Senior General said that the Tatmadaw severally requested the Union Election Commission, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and the National Defence and Security Council to address more than 10.4 million voting frauds in the 2020 general election but received no response.

On 1 February, winning NLD started to form governments with attempts to seize the State power in illegal ways. Hence, the Tatmadaw took the State responsibilities without fail under Sections 417, 418 and 419 of the Constitution (2008) for ensuring honest and transparent Hluttaw and solving the dishonesty.

Due to the instigation of those wishing to utilize the politics for their self-interest and some big countries, the majority of local and external people misunderstood that the Tatmadaw conducted the coup d’état. Some persons still misunderstand the taking of State responsibility by the Tatmadaw.

The general election is of importance in democracy and it must be free and fair. The election without honesty will not elect the honest and righteous representative. So, those representatives will not correctly select the Head of State. Hence, the Tatmadaw took the State powers under Sections 417, 418 and 419 of the Constitution so as to maintain strengthening of the genuine democracy.

As Kayah State is full of good domestic products, manufacturing of these goods on a commercial scale to be exported can increase per-capita income as well as the GDP of Kayah State. All people from the state need to strive for gaining better development through unity. The Vice-Senior General presented aid for staff families and prevention, control and treatment equipment for COVID-19 to officials.

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