The Shan State Chief Minister Dr. Kyaw Tun accompanied by the deputy minister for cooperative and rural development, deputy commander of Triangle command, state ministers and officials paid homage to the historic That Luang Pagoda in Mong Yawng Township on 21 August, offered flowers, water, candle light to the pagoda, presented cash donation to members of pagoda board of trustee, signed on the guest book, paid obeisance to the presiding Sayadaw and offered the offertories.
Next, the chief minister and party also paid homage to the presiding Sayadaw of Ho Khon monastery and offered the offertories.
Afterward, the chief minister Dr. Kyaw Tun, commander of Triangle command Ma-J Gen Ni Lin Aung, commander of East-Central command Ma-J Gen Myo Min Tun, state ministers and officials attended the ceremony held commemorating 8th anniversary of liver transplanting of ThilaDhamma KoneThar Tawya monastery presiding (Wasipeik) Sayadaw U Kawwida in Kengtung Township, paid homage to the Sayadaw, offered cash donation.
Then, the fishes were released in JeinFaw Creek and Bodhi tree was planted and the members of Sangha recited Paritta Suttas for the Wasipeik Sayadaw. Then, the chief minister, commanders and state ministers offered ‘Soon’ (day meal) to the members of Sangha, it’s reported.
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