5 September 2024
2024-09-05 10:12
The event of handing over donated items for the members of Tatmadaw and security forces serving Defense duties in frontlines donated by Rakhine State Government and staff families was held at the meeting hall of the State Government in the afternoon on September 4 and attended by Chief Minister U Htein Lin, Commander of West Command Ma-J Gen.
Kyaw Swer Oo, Chief Justice of State High Court, State Government Ministers and officials. The Rakhine State, Chief Minister U Htein Lin stated that the military personnel are diligently performing their duties related to maintaining regional stability and peace.
He emphasized that the materials donated by the Rakhine State government and the staf families are in recognition of the service provided by those fulfilling the Defense duties to prevail peace and stability. The materials and food items being provided are being given with full generosity and loving-kineness by the staff from the Rakhine State government office, departmental offices, Maternal and Child Wellfare Association, and women's affairs organizations.
He personally witnessed their dedication and care. He conveyed wishes for good health and safety for all military personnel. Next, the Chief Minister handed the donated items for the members of Tatmadaw and security forces serving Defense duties in frontlines and the Commander of West Command accepted those, returned the certificate of honor and expressed words of thanks.
On 3rd of September, the Chief Minister and officials viewed round preparations for foodstuffs to be donated to Tatmadaw members and security forces at the lawn of State Government office and meeting hall No (3).
The Rakhine State Government and staff families will pack and convey the instant noodle, tooth paste and tooth brushes, instant coffee mix and tea mix sacks, snacks, dried anchovy fish worth altogether about 8.35 million Kyats, it’s reported.