17 July 2020
2020-07-17 15:50
Fishery industry is one of the major economy that contributes country's economy in Myanmar. The fishery products are being exported to over 40 countries around the world. In 2017-2018 fiscal year, the exported amount of fish and fishery product was 0.57 million metric tons and the value of which was 711.72 million US dollars.
For promoting the quality of fishery products, the Department of Fisheries is conducting the capacity building training to the staff across the country.
The 5-day training conducted from 13th to 17th of July aimed to enhance the capacity of the staffs from the Department of Fisheries across the country.
During the training conducted in line with COVID-19 instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, both practical and theoretical lectures including study tours were given to the trainees.
The practical lectures included the formulation and processing of fish ball, fish cracker, pickled fish and fish cookie. The trainers and trainees were made these small scale homemade fishery products together and discussed the usage and nutritional values of them.
Trainer, Development and Training Section, Khin May Kyi said “The aim is for the staffs from the Department of Fisheries to be able to share the knowledge along with the enhancement of capacity building, to be able to implement the systems of GMP, SSOP, HACCP which is essential to practice in the fishery product factories and to know the instructions for SME fishery enterprises. It also gives lecture for using chemicals in correct method, understanding the Consumer Protection Law and producing safe and quality fishery products.”
22 trainee staffs from the Region and State Departments of Fisheries across the country attended the 5-day training.
Officer, Department of Fisheries (Nay Pyi Taw), Tin Maung Nyo said “The training help for capacity building of the staff, and we will share back the technology in our regions. Moreover, we also got the techniques of producing value-added fishery products, traditional value-added fishery products and many more knowledge.”
Despite this 5-Day Capacity Building Training at the Fisheries Technologies School (GyoGone) which has been given trainings since May 1983, the trainings have been conducting annually for the development of fishery industry in Myanmar.
Deputy Director, Development and Training Section, Yin Nyo NyoTun said “In our school, fishery processing trainings, and the trainings of inspector, induced breeding fish culture, fish taxonomy, and other capacity building trainings. I hope the trainees are going to get knowledge on SME enterprises and fishery products processing as we made study tour at the jetties. We are giving such trainings annually and mobile trainings are also conducted if necessary. Moreover, we are going to conduct fishing gear training and safety at sea training.”
There are 6 Fishery Technologies Schools that conduct trainings not only for the staffs but also for the fishermen in Myanmar. These trainings included the courses for computer skills, English proficiency, fisheries management, inspector and vocational trainings. Over 31,000 trainees have attended 40 different types of trainings, conducted by the Fisheries Department in 310 times so far.