23 August 2019
2019-08-23 17:01
Department of Trade under the Ministry of Commerce on Friday introduced Myanmar Tradenet 2.0 to assist National Single Window system.
Since 2004, the Ministry of Commerce has been providing trade facilitation services for trading businesses online. Border trade online system was introdued in 2007 and map for licensing processes are included in the system starting from 2014. In 2016, licensing processes can be done fully online along with the introduction to Electronic Data Interchange system.
Assistant Director, Information and Technology Subdepartment, Nwe Ni Win said “Various departments are using different systems from different locations. Some systems included in 2004 are no longer useful. So, we need to provide an updated version of the system.”
The Tradenet 2.0 system is introduced to public and all stakeholders in advance to be able to include all related departments and organizations in centralization and to figure out ways to connect them electronically.
Assistant Director, Information and Technology Subdepartment, Nwe Ni Win said “If this e-trade system comes to fruitation, traders can make applications online by themselves. Time and cost can be reduced that way. It is also easy to access and applications can be submitted from anywhere internet is available.”
The deveopment process for Tradenet 2.0 began since 2018 and it is in the midst of system development for now. It is expected to be launched at the beginning of 2020.