
Inspection Tour in Rakhine State: SAC member meets with locals in Thandwe Township

19 September 2023
2023-09-19 21:25

Member of the State Administration Council Dr. Ba Shwe together with Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin, State Ministers and departmental officials met with township and district level officials, business owners, and village and ward administrators, representatives of social organizations and local people of Thandwe Township in Rakhine State on Tuesday.

During the meeting, SAC member Dr. Ba Shwe urged local people to coordinate with departmental officials for achieving peace and stability in Rakhine State and development of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation industry.  Then, the attendees submitted the requirements of regional transportation development and State Chief Minister made clarifications.

Next, the SAC member and party visited TMP Refrigeration factory in Dwayawaddi Myo Thit of Thadwe Township and gave necessary instructions. They later viewed the packaging process of soft crabs, fish and shrimps for export before visiting to Emerald Ruby Garden (Pao Wun Bridge) on Gawd Ward.

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