
76th Chin National Day: SAC members opened the Chin National Day celebration

21 February 2024
2024-02-21 21:08

A ceremony of the 2024 76th Anniversary Chin National Day was held at Hakha military station sport ground in the morning on 20th February and attended by SAC member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo, SAC member Dr. Hmu Htan, Union Ministers, Chin State Chief Minister, Deputy Ministers and officials.

First, the SAC member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo, SAC member Dr. Hmu Htan, union ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Chin State Chief Minister Dr. Wong Hsun Htan opened the 76th Chin National Day decorated entrance by cutting ribbon and posed for the documentary photo.

After announcing the opening of 76th Anniversary Chin National Day, the salute was given to the national flag. Then, the ceremony presiding person U Htan Mon Khaing extended words of greeting, SAC member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo read out the message sent by the Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing to the ceremony to mark the 76th Anniversary of Chin State Day.

Next, the persons who received the honorary award of the Chin State Government was presented the awards by the SAC members General Myat Tun Oo and Dr. Hmu Htan, Union Minister Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Chin State Chief Minister Dr. Dr. Wong Hsun Htan and Deputy Minister U Htein Lin and the Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Deputy Minister Dr. Tin Htut provided assistances to the responsible officials and the first part of the Chin national Day celebration was concluded.

In the afternoon, the Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo and party met with the State/District/Township level departmental officials, education and health personnel at the meeting hall of the Chin State Government.

First, the Chin State Chief Minister clarified the Administration, economy and social matters and the departmental officials reported the related sectors followed by the supplemented discussions of the Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Jeng Phang Naw Naung. After giving speech of conclusion by General Mya Tun Oo, the attendees were cordially greeted.

The Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo comforted the local people who were undertaking medical treatment at Hakha Hospital provided supplemental foodstuff and materials to them and the foodstuff to the medical superintendent and staff.

Then, they looked round the exhibition booths displayed in marking the 76th Anniversary Chin National Day and enjoyed the Chin traditional dances performed by the Chin traditional dance group. Next, they joined the bonfire marked the Chin National Day together with the Chin ethnic dance groups and the celebration was concluded.

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