
Myanmar’s Oldest Person: Lives healthily at Min Gan Gyi in Magway region Title

12 October 2023
2023-10-12 12:50

123 year-old Daw Chaw Yin, the oldest person in Myanmar lives healthily in Min Gan Gyi Ward of Magway Region. She was born in 1,262 Myanmar era and at the International Older Person Day ceremony on the 1st of October in Magway, she was recognized as the oldest person across the country.

Grandchild , Khin Mar Lwin said " I’m one of her grandchildren and my grandmother Daw Chaw Yin is 123 years old now. I’m very happy for recognizing her as Myanmar’s oldest person at the ceremony. She likes drinking coffee with snack in the morning. She prefers beef but now she can eat a little and mostly have the meals with fried roselle leaf with bamboo shoots and fried chicken."

Currently, she lives with her grandchild Daw Khin Mar Lwin and she usually cooks herself what she wants to eat.

Daw Chaw Yin said " I usually cook chicken curry. I take supplements and I make wish for all full of happiness and healthiness daily. I have 6 children and among them, 2 children passed away. "

Grandmother Daw Chaw Yin was born in Myay Ni Gone village of Magway and she is the youngest among 7 siblings. At present, she has 4 daughters, 11 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and 11 children of great-grandchildren. And, the government assists 10,000 kyats per month, it’s reported.

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