

21 Jun
Union Minister for Industry Dr. Charlie Than inspected Pharmaceutical Factory (Inyaung) in Kyaukse in Mandalay region on Monday. During the inspection, the managing director and the factory manager reported on...
21 Jun
Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Ko Ko inspected the Myanmar-Korea friendship school in No (8) Ward of Hlaingthaya Township of Yangon Region on Monday. During the inspection, the Union...
21 Jun
The Ministry of Information on Monday held an award-giving ceremony for those who passed the matriculation examination of the 2021-2022 Academic Year and a stipend-awarding ceremony for the offspring of the...
21 Jun
The Government’s Peace Talks Team and the delegation of of Democratic Karen Benevolent Army-DKBA held discussion in Nay Pyi Taw on Monday. The meeting was attended by State Administration Council Member...
21 Jun
The Ministry of Health has been accelerating COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment measures and procedures. The Ministry reported 4 new COVID-19 cases at 8 p.m. on Monday after testing 5,141 patients...
20 Jun
With the instruction of the Department of Archaeology and National Museum under the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, the Pyu Era historical seminar is opened at the National Museum in Yangon, on Monday....
20 Jun
The members of forces, officers and staff families of the Ministry of Home Affairs are offering rice and foodstuffs to the monasteries in each Township. On the 20th June, for the monks residing in the GaToSeik...
20 Jun
The Bago Region Chief Minister U Myo Swe Win, region ministers, region level officials attended the event of adding fingerlings into the Myitmakha River, Thayawady Township, Bago Region in the morning June 20....
20 Jun
Cambodia is making preparations to host the 32nd SEA Games in the year of 2023. Chairman of the Myanmar Traditional Chinlone [Cane Ball] Federation said that the Federation is making efforts to add the Chinlone [...
20 Jun
Under the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Special Fund, a one-year pest management research project is being undertaken in some selected Avocado Farms. Vice President, Myanmar Avocado Producer and Exporter...
