
Boosting National Electrification: Thapyaywa and Thazi Solar Power Plants commissioned

23 May 2024
2024-05-23 21:29

The Thapyaywa and Thazi solar-energy power plants in Mandalay Region were officially commissioned into service on Thursday.

Union Minister for Electric Power U Nyan Tun attended the opening ceremony held in Nay Pyi Taw. The Ministry of Electric Power is working to generate power from various energy sources, aiming to achieve 100% nationwide electricity coverage by 2030.

According to Myanmar's Nationally Determined Contribution, the energy mix in 2030 will include 28% hydropower and 11% renewable energy. Currently, solar energy contributes 3.3% to the national grid, and feasibility studies are underway to increase the generation of solar and wind power.

The newly opened Thapyaywa and Thazi facilities each have an installed capacity of 30 megawatts, generating a combined total of 148 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. This will benefit about 99,000 households. As of March 2024, over 7 million out of more than 10 million households in Myanmar have access to electricity, representing an electrification ratio of 67.34%.

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