
Preparations: MCEC Preparing For The Reopening

30 December 2020
2020-12-30 15:40

The preparation works are underway to reopen Mandalay Commodity Exchange Center which has been temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in line with the directives of COVID-19 preventive measures issued by the ministry of health and sports, it’s learnt.

While the wholesale market has been under temporary closure, although the sale of some traders went well by trading via telephone, the center’s viber group or Facebook teams, some traders were not that well because some trading need to present sample of crop.

Vice Chairman, Brokers, Merchants and Millers Kahtaintaw Association, Oo Chun (a) Oo Nyunt Wei said “Our Mandalay traders have to be depending on the border trade and sea route trade. The pigeon pea, green pea and Matpe are prioritized to Yangon market, the other beans including green bean and sesame seeds are prioritized to border market of China. The traders engaging in trading with China have some difficult to present samples of crops to the buyers.”

As the decrease of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Mandalay, traders said they are expecting to ease the stay-at-home order.

Vice Chairman, Brokers, Merchants and Millers Kahtaintaw Association, Oo Chun (a) Oo Nyunt Wei said “By the time of harvesting new crops, the current situation causes the obstacles among the merchants and farmers. At the usual situation, the trading can take place at least with three buyers a day. But, the farmers may experience fewer benefits for crops with high demand and not return even for investment capital. For such situation, Chief Minister pledged to report to the superiors for the reopening of exchange center.”

For such difficulties, Mandalay Commodity Exchange Center is carrying out the preparations with the expectation of permission from the National Level COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment Central Committee as the center requested the permission to the central committee through Mandalay Region COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment Committee, it’s learnt.

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