
Peace Process: NRPC And NCA Signatories EAOS Held A Coordination Meeting

11 September 2019
2019-09-11 16:22

Government and 10 NCA Signatories EAO Group held a coordination meeting on peace process at National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) in Yangon on Tuesday.

In August, representative group of the Peace Commission met with representatives of 10 NCA Signatories EAO Group in Chiang Mai, Thailand to explain 4 peace process works proposed by the government. So, the government’s peace processes, 4 peace process works proposed to be implemented and NCA Signatories EAOs’ NCA implementation framework agreement proposal were discussed.

After the meeting, representatives of NCA Signatories EAOs, Nai Aung Ma Ngay and Director General U Zaw Htay held a press conference regarding with the discussions at the meeting.

Director General, Ministry of State Counsellor Office, Zaw Htay said “The first point of discussion was implementation of the NCA, how both sides will take responsibility and accountability in the implementation as it is concerned with both sides. The second point was a federal framework, in which how we would practice future democracy and future federal Union by 2020. The third point was how much we could set up democracy and basic federal principles in the peace conference by 2020. We also exchanged views on the working process for beyond 2020.”

There are 51 basic federal principles in the part 1 and 2 of Union Accord. These principles will be combined with the upcoming basic federal principles resulting from the next conference to design a federal model” added Director General.

Director General, Ministry of State Counsellor Office, Zaw Htay said “We proposed this combination plan in part 2. In part 3 for beyond 2020, we have proposed a blueprint how to make implementation. In the upcoming Union Peace Conference, part 3 proposed by the government will be covered all the points.”

The Government and NCA-Signatories EAOs proposed their suggestions each other in line with NCA jointly agreed by both government and EAOs.

Representative, NCA-Signatories EAOs, Nai Aung Ma Ngay said “We will report the government’s suggestions to our organization. We will also present our suggestions to the government representatives. We have found many common facts. I believe we would be able to build trust during the discussions at the fourth year anniversary of NCA. We are willing to hold the Union Peace Conference in early 2020. It will also depend on our proposals. If we could make a bilateral agreement, we could hold the UPC at that time.”

Both Sides urged to discuss and establish work processes aimed for the fourth session of the Union Peace Conference: 21st Century Panglong in early 2020.

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