Forest Department under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation has been implementing Myanmar Reforestation and Rehabilitation Programme (MRRP) since 2017-2018 fiscal year.
According to Forest Resource Assessment 2015, forest cover areas is 42.92% of the country area.
MRRP aims to prevent deforestation, to increase forest cover areas and reduce the natural disaster as well as to fulfil the pledge for reducing climate change.
As part of the program, ManSi Township Forest Department in Kachin State has been carrying out forest plantation since the 2018-2019 fiscal year. 100 acres of teak plantation have been planted in 2018 monsoon season and another 100 acres in 2019 for commercial purpose. The department also planted fire wood and other plantations.
Staff Officer, ManSi Township Forest Department, Zaw Moe Oo said "We are now implementing 125 acres teak plantation for commercial purpose in 2019-2020 fiscal year under the MRRP. We are also implementing 2 acres firewood plantations, 100 acres natural forest plantations, 100 acres plantations for proliferation, 5 acres mixed plantations, 665 acres for local commercial businesses, and nurturing 15000 saplings for distribution."
For this year, the department nurtures teak and other hardwoods and shady trees for distribution to the public and organizations.
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