
Disease Prevention: Cold Storage Factories in Labutta Township Inspected

7 June 2020
2020-06-07 17:13

In Labutta Township of Ayeyawady Region, there are three cold storage factories with 100, 200 and 50-ton capacity and about 400 acres of fish, prawn and soft shell crab breeding ponds are currently operating.

The aquatic products from this area have been exported to the foreign countries to get more foreign income.

Officials from the Department of Fisheries inspected preparations to prevent the spread of disease at the cold storage plants in line with the instructions of the Ministry of Health and Sports. They also looked into the soft shell crab breeding ponds in Labutta District of the Region during the COVID-19 period.

Staff Officer, Department of Fisheries ( Labutta District), War War Thein said "During the COVID-19 period, the Department of Fisheries has made public awareness on COVID-19 disease like distributing pamphlets and posting vinyl at the factories. We also instructed not to conduct mass gathering and to wear face masks, and we also emphasize on the workers’ personal hygiene."

Fishery products including soft shell crab and prawn have been exported to EU nations, the U.S., Japan, Australia and China and the fishery industries seek about 23.04 million USD of foreign income yearly, according to the Information and Public Relations Department.

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