
Religious titles conferring: SAC member attended the ceremony

6 March 2023
2023-03-06 10:12

Kachin State Government organized a ceremony to confer the religious titles for 2023 at the An Daw Shin Mountainous Region Buddhist Missionary Central Monastery in the morning on Sunday and the ‘Soon’ (Day Meal) was offered to the title recipient members of Sangha.

The ‘Soon’ offering ceremony was attended by the members of Sangha led by the presiding Sayadaw of Dhamma Rakkhita Wuntho monastery Baddanta Ketumala, title recipient Sayadaws and nuns, member of State Administration Council Daw Dwe Bu, Union Minister for Ethnic Affairs Jeng Phang Naw Taung,

Kachin State Chief Minister U khet Htein Nan, Commander of Northern Command Ma-J Gen. Ko Ko Maung, Chief Justice of State High Court, Senior Military Officers and members of state government.At the ceremony of conferring religious titles, congregation led by the Chief Minister and wife, Commander and wife, State High Court Chief Justice and wife, Senior Military Officers and members of state government and their wives observed five precepts, took a sermon delivered by a religious title recipient Sayadaw and the state minister for social affairs U Win Ye Tun supplicated religious matters.

Next, Chief Minister and wife, Commander and wife, state miniser for social affairs, state advocate general conferred the religious titles and insignia to the members of Sangha, nuns and lay persons, shared the merits gained from the donations and concluded the ceremony.

Afterward, the well wishers including the chief minister and wife, commander and wife, departments, military battlions and units and local residents offered rice and offertories to 108 members of Sangha including invited monks and title recepient Sayadaws and nuns, it’s reported.

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