
Work coordination meeting: MIFER UM gave an opening speech

7 May 2024
2024-05-07 09:39

The coordination meeting for reviewing on the budget allocation of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations for 2024-2025 fiscal year, implementations of investment targets and work undertakings and to set the future action plans was held at the ministry in Nay Pyi Taw in the morning on 6th of May and the Union Minister Dr. Kan Zaw gave an opening speech.

Speaking at the meeting, the Union Minister said that the meeting is held to implement on the budget allocation for 2024-2025 fiscal year effectively and substantive implementation on the investment target which is the major work undertaking of the ministry, the state is implementing the process for the prosperity of the country and food security by setting three economic objectives, the all-round development from the agriculture and livestock breeding, the development of MSMEs in rural areas and increase of exports, only increase of investments will bring the GDP etc.

Next, the deputy minister Dr. Wah Wah Maung discussed regarding with the investment target of foreigners and citizens for 2024-2025 fiscal year, investment target of foreigners and citizens in regions and states, the budge for the projects of the ministry to spend in line with the procedure, acceleration of relations with the international and partnership countries and knowledge on the potentials for the communication and protection of national interest and the status of receiving the payment for the loan disbursed from COVID-19 Fund as per the regions and states.

Next, the directorate of investment and company administration and the head officers of regions and states clarified the works implementations and action plans for 2025-2026 fiscal year.

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