
Sharks killed at alarming rates despite regulations: study

13 January 2024
2024-01-13 16:53

Global shark populations are declining despite worldwide efforts to curb mass killings for their fins, researchers said in a new report showing that more needs to be done to protect one of the ocean's apex species.Between 2012 and 2019, the number of sharks killed from fishing increased from some 76 million a year to more than 80 million.
At least 25 million were threatened species.Sharks have prowled Earth's waters for 400 million years, but a growing appetite for their fins has driven several species to the brink of extinction.Researchers spent three years collecting data on fishery regulations and shark mortality. Fisheries are now catching smaller sharks, including juveniles, more often, because of the decline in the fin trade and regional declines in the abundance of large sharks.

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