

4 October 2020
2020-10-04 09:49

Totaling 338 Myanmar migrant workers including 222 men and 116 women returned from various districts and regions in Thailand under own arrangement through Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge-2 in Myawady Township from 1 pm to 6 pm on 3rd October.

Most of the people among the returnees are the expectant mothers, children, and the workers returned due to the job cuts and closure of factories.

The returnees were explained about the rules and regulations to be abide and conducted medical tests by the responsible officials led by Myawaddy District deputy administrator.

They were also provided with the lunch boxes and drinking water bottles by World Food Programme (WFP) to have on their way.

The returnees will be transported to the respective regions and states to stay 14 days quarantine in the Quarantine Centers. The residents of Chin State and Myawaddy Township will be put under 14 days quarantine at Quarantine Center in Myadday Township.

The residents of Kachin, Kayin and Rakhine States will be placed at Quarantine Center in Myadday for 7 days and take lab specimens from them and transported them to the Quarantine Centers in respective regions and states, it’s learnt.
The arrangement has been made for the easy foreign currency exchange for the convenience of the returnees at the friendship gate, it’s learnt.

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